Saturday, August 12, 2006


This was where we had our Senior Prom. (Today they go to a hotel downtown.) We played games here at Women's Club socials; sang or declamed or danced in various competitions; acted, watched, or worked backstage for "Anne Frank" and other theater productions. Here we sang "Oklahoma" with Mr. Ponteras wielding the baton, and "Nearer My God to Thee" for Mrs. Armada. Here NVM Gonzales talked about the beauty of little things, and Miriam Defensor crisply orated about "intellectual giants and moral pygmies." Rowena Partisala drifted off in "I hear singing but there's no one there...", Gervasio Francisco's legs were as rubber as he danced, and Bong Bong Gustilo intoned "Let there be light....and there was light." Rena Golez warbled, and Rose Asong choreographed.

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