Thursday, August 31, 2006


Meyen and all,

Sorry for not participating sooner, and I don't see how I can too soon.... as soon as our response to two disasters really has settled down. Remember the Globe tower behind the UPV Admin building where you were 'tortured' by the orientation video.... well some of it came down again and the base of the tower is exposed, threatening one side of the building which has now been partially vacated. But the more terrible thing is that Solar I oil spill which will really cost the Taklong marine reserve and surrounding communities a long time to recover. You can follow all the wild ideas of how to get to the root of the problem (the sunken tanker which is still leaking) from many sources.

I came back from Vietnam on the 21st of August to meet all of these developments and was immediately flung into the flurry of organizing clean-up, relief, research and other types of teams. Last Monday, our Chancellor was given authority by 'da madam president' to oversee all sorts of scientific assessments on which the costs of any claims are to be based... So you can imagine the mobilization that we are in.... There are all sorts of opportunities, even if the Taklong Station is among the areas most affected. I just hope that with our involvement in the earlier spill at Semirara and now this, we will not just be known as the 'oil spill' university.

Basta... natuyo na gid ko subong... sa liwat lang ugaling!

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