Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Wedding Singer

I must tell you, guys, the show was such a pleasant surprise to all of us, considering the fact, that we were indifferent and had a Que Sera Sera attitude in the beginning. We all knew that Constantine, an American Idol, was in it but we thought, I thought, the whole concept was blah. Pinky and Bambi knew more about Constantine than I did. You would not have known this bit of information when you could have seen me with the both of them at the stage door acting like teeny boppers with a group of fans of Constantine's waiting for him to come out and asking autographs from the actors and taking pics. Etic was right behind us carrying packages I had thrust on him and batteries I discarded in my panic that Constantine was coming close to us and my camera batteries chose to die that very moment. He even loaded the batteries for me because I could not tell positive from negative at that critical moment. This is from a person who does all the complicated Computer, Stereo, Cable, and DVD attachments at home.

In one Vegas scene, one of the characters was a fake Imelda Marcos in her signature hairdo and Philippine Dress carrying a box of Designer Shoes, the name of which eludes me at the moment. The girl in the picture whose autograph I am obtaining is J. Elaine Marcos who played Imelda. She sure looks like Imee.
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Meyen said...

Gosh yes she looks like one of the Marcoses! Wild seed maybe?

Meyen said...

It was a Salvatore Ferragamo box. - Pinky